WWB is a collection of games, embodying values, dharma principles, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Mahabarata, and the true essence of Games for Seva. It serves as a teaching & game play toolkit for youth, teachers, parents, counselors, encouraging collaboration, communication, and creativity while also learning important principles. WWB resonates with a lot of people, serving a twofold opportunity, by sending them to teachers in India as well as local Bal Vihars to teach kids about Indian culture in a fun and enjoyable way.
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Games Showcased in the WWB ToolKit
Memory Maya, Vice2Virtue, Wisdom Without Borders Toolkit, SpeakUP, Ramanyana MatchUp, Dharma Dilemmas, MahabharActs, RamayanActs
Other Flagship Games: Clash of Dynasties, Ganga~River Rescue, Freedom, Success

Wisdom Without Borders Talking Points
Individual Game Talking Points
Memory Maya
-Explores universal values from the Bhagavad Gita
-Thought provoking art from youth’s eye
-Memory Game that connects the Sanskrit to the translation
-Build stories to connect your concept to the universal Value
-Fast paced team game with rules the opposite of Taboo
-Bonus for guessing the Sanskrit word
-Fast paced game of applying universal values to contemporary life
-Debate, Discuss and Decide whose is the best match
-Make your own topics to personalize it
Karma Katch
-Explore Papa and Punya from a young perspective
-Decide whether you want to be an Asura or Deva
-Scenarios leading to debates on which action is better or worse
-Reflect upon laws of Dharma and Karma
Dharma Dilemmas
-Ethical dilemmas in day to day life
-Can be combined with other games to create innovative perspectives
-Debate, Discuss and ponder
-Versatile set that identifies gems of wisdom from the Itihasas
-Has the text section and characters involved
-Can be used for Dharma discussions, Charades, Skits
Hindu Symbology
-Dynamic Matching game that combines Memory abilities
-Art & Text separated for playfulness
-Can be used for Art and Writing prompts
-Symbols to color creatively
-Collages & Posters can be made
-Weave stories around a group of symbols
WWB Play Deck
-Hundreds of possibilities by combining games
-Invent your own game variants
-Explore, reflect and assimilate wisdom for daily living