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‘Eclipse’ ~ Make Your Life

This unique Debating Strategy game presents you with wise choices to apply towards contemporary problems. As the clock ticks, you need to convince the players that your approach to solving a problem is the best, using a personal deck of Wisdom from the Masters. Your entire group votes on who is the winner! Expand your game by adding unique goals and obstacles. Use our rules or make your own! Wisdom Masters featured are Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda and many Meditations from around the World. In addition other decks can be used to add to the options.

No Goal in life can be made without a strategy to handle obstacles, including wisdom and meditations. This first step then leads to all the tactics and task lists. An ‘Eclipse’ path is a sure shot to success!


The Wisdom of the Masters, Sages and Lineage Keepers

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