What is Leadership? A much used word, we have a sense for it, and yet eludes, at many levels, a crisp definition.
I have an insight that leadership develops and matures at the intersection of worlds, thoughts, enterprises, endeavors and values.
Having taught youth many wisdom teachings from the Bhagavad Gita & Upanishads for over 30 years, the one principle that jumps out is to always move ideas and challenge perceptions. The Gita Vicara Leadership Program(GVLP) seeks to formalize this process of movement in a loving, gentle manner, bringing three circles of activity to intersect. At this confluence lies character and values. Values that promote a life of contribution, harnesses our creativity, builds models for collaboration & communication, while facilitating emotional growth in our Youth and Adults.

The first circle in the GVLP universe is the foundational piece of consistent exposure to wisdom teachings, as applied to our contemporary life. There is the bedrock of traditional teachings, honed by the efforts of teachers over millennia, that casts a wide umbrella over the multitude of points of views in diverse settings today. Somehow core experiences of joy & sorrow, pleasure & pain, obstacles of jealousy, envy & pride have not changed much! We rest in knowing that we can access these teachings from our inner recesses in time of need, as we have assimilated them over a period of time, doing the hard work of study and practice. Listening, reflection and contemplation are the three points of the triad for a building spiritual character.

The second circle, Games for Seva, seeks to create the best of all worlds in our small milieu. Games, since the dawn of time, have been a source of joy and can play a strong role in building character. Our games need to be relevant in contemporary society, develop a sense of service, and shine a light on the issues facing us against a backdrop of our Indian ethos. Our endeavors take an idea, create a meaningful, fun, world class game and bring it to market. We would apply design thinking and prototyping all the way. We have over 30 published games and our youth have been an integral part of each step in the process. Each game is a story of team work, collaborative skills, creativity and commitment.

The third circle, Compass108, conveys the required focus of leadership. From the seed, initially dormant, our young adults germinate and transform into Mentors. A compass seems a perfect metaphor for staying on track, never forgetting true north, focused on the dharma of our times. Personal growth is the key element in this process, being part of an incredible team, delivering a level of dedication one only dreams of. We look ahead to carry this team into uncharted territory with our first Kickstarter project, viewing it as another giant leap in developing leadership opportunities.

These three circles of activity come together to create a complete picture of opportunities that only an enterprise can create. Being part of this program is a commitment to create value, contribute with compassion, and share joy with the community at large.