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Battle of Purusharthas ~ The Story behind the Game

What does it take to live a life that involves the principles of Dharma, Artha, Kama & Moksha? What are the Virtues and Values that must form the bedrock of these principles?

Simulate your life with this fast paced deck building game as you accumulate life events. You will journey through reflections on ‘I am, I want, & I believe’. How will you fare? Is Moksha in your cards? Jump right in and build your life! The cards can be used for dynamic play in Dharma debates, deeper discussion on the Qualities and role playing.

The game 'Battle of Purusharthas' brings together the 2 pillars of living, Purusharthas (Noble Goals) and Values(Noble Qualities) in a fast paced journey of 'Who gets there first' ! It is a game that shines a bright light on how the complex web of Values of Compassion, Wisdom, Equanimity and more lead us to higher levels of purpose based living.

The concept of 'Purusharthas' is deeply embedded in our Wisdom teachings, epics and stories. The meaning of the word generally translates to 'the directed endeavors of a Human Being'. Purusha refers to the human while 'Artha' refers to 'effort, goals or endeavors' and covers 4 such paths. Each of the four paths of purposeful effort reveals our common experience, our strivings and the human journey from birth to death. These efforts rest on a bed of Values that determine the extent to which one can succeed in living a life of strong purpose. The Purusharthas strengthen as we develop stronger Values. In the 'Battle of Purusharthas', they are referred to as 'Noble Goals'.

Noble Goals - Purusharthas

'Dharma' comes first as an over riding principle, guiding us to abide by universal principles while maintaining one's daily life in harmony with our surroundings. 'Artha' are efforts directed towards prosperity and economic security while 'Kama' are efforts that satisfy our need for pleasures.

Finally 'Moksha' is aimed at the highest of all goals, that of spiritual liberation and freedom from self ignorance.

Noble Qualities ~ Values

'Values' are the very basis of character and destiny. They guide our choices and actions. The stronger the role of values, the easier it is to further the impetus towards the goals, 'Purusharthas'. In the 'Battle of Purusharthas', they are referred to as 'Noble Qualities'. Each of the cards are also a prayer reference to bring Noble Qualities into one's heart.

The Maha Mantra and Maha Vakya cards have special powers, reflecting their source from the Upanishads. 'Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya' & 'Tat Tvam Asi' are the featured perennial prayers in the Deck of Qualities.

Where it all began

One of our first retreats at AVG was working on the art work for Battle of Purusharthas. In addition we had reflective sessions on 'I AM, I LIKE, I BELIEVE' to bring us closer to understanding the mighty role Purusharthas play in our life.

We deconstructed many games to come up with mechanics to make it fun.

Amazing Team that made it all happen!

2017 L-R: Maanuv Allu, Saniya Gaitonde, Rajat Shah, Tanya Shah, Rathi Raja, Neeya Shetty & Abhinuv Allu

Game Play Highlights

Insert Photos of Game Play


Game Concept and Development: Rathi Raja & Madhu Allu

Card Art Design: Saniya Gaitonde, Tanya Shah & Neeya Shetty

Card Text & Quote Compilation: Saniya Gaitonde, Tanya Shah

Play Testing: Saniya Gaitonde, Tanya Shah, Neeya Shetty, Abhi Allu, Maanuv Allu, Rajat Shah

Rules Booklet: Saniya Gaitonde, Tanya Shah, Neeya Shetty, Rathi Raja

Resource Links

Articles & Presentations

Presentation on Purusharthas by Sahana Singh at Anubhava 2024

Presentation on Purusharthas by Aditi Bannerji at Anubhava 2024

4 Key Pursuits

Modern Management Lessons 

Inspiring Lessons



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